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5 Steps to Protect Yourself Online from Hackers

In the present day world we provide almost all our data online, so it is important to take some safety measures that'll help you to stay safe from hackers online. Here are few tips that might help you to do so :

Use 2 Factor Authentication

You should use 2 factor Authentication, because 2 factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. If you have 2 factor authentication turned on in your account then you not only need the username & password but also the code (OTP), that will be sent by the site to your registered mobile number. So even if the hacker manages to get your password, he will not be able to gain access to your account because the site will only text the code to the registered mobile number (your number). Although this 2 Factor Authentication can also be bypassed!

Don't Use the Same Password Everywhere

You should not use the same password for all your social media accounts because even if a hacker guesses the password for one particular account, he'll be able to get access to all your accounts, that's why it's recommended to not use the same password everywhere. You can also use Password Managers like Dashlane, Lastpass, etc. to generate a strong password with combination of letters, numbers & special characters. That'll make it very difficult for the hacker to hack into your account because it does not follow any particular pattern & you're using different passwords for different accounts.

Keep Computer Software Updated

Whether you're using a Windows PC or a MAC, make sure you always keep the software updated. In updates, new security patches are added to make your system secure. So, if you keep your system updated it'll be difficult for the hacker to hack into your system using old exploits.

Be Careful of What You Post Online

Most of the times people share their real time location, there whereabouts etc., online.

Be careful of what you post in social media because attackers may keep an eye on you, they'll track on what you're doing on a day-to-day basis, they'll be able to gather confidential information about you, such as when you're out off the country or when you're going for a business meeting & they might take it as an opportunity to attack you. So, keep this in mind.

Be Careful While Sharing Your Personal Information

Be Careful While Sharing Your Personal Information online, check the website properly, check https tag, secure lock before the URL & then put your personal information on a trusted website. Make sure the website you're dealing with is not a phishing page. Be aware of Social Engineering attacks. Social engineering is the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behaviour of a society. Don't fall for any scams online, think & act logically.

So, this was 5 important tips to protect yourself from hackers online, I think this article helped you. Have a nice day, make sure to subscribe my Blog for more interesting articles, I bet you'll not regret. Thanks for reading!


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